The play “Choice” written by Neda Nedzhana and directed by Andriy Sendetskyy
Premiere March 13, 2020
Duration 1 hour 40 minutes
Only for adults.
… Each of us makes a choice every moment … Even this second: to read the announcement of the premiere of performance or not. And life is all like this. The play focuses on life choices. After all, destiny often gives us a lot of hints of where it is worth returning to. During the performance, the spectator witnesses a short episode from the lives of two women who met in a mortuary by a strange coincidence. In the shocking detention, the intrigue increases as women compete with their guesses and the ambiguity of the situation.
The plot makes each spectator ask: do I really want to have a choice in life? Am I ready to make a choice? And, first of all, are you prepared to be responsible for your choice? The Choice is a great temptation, but just as long as you don’t have to be in charge of it. But when the responsibility for it arises, the desire to choose becomes not so vibrant and unambiguous.

Translation – Dr. Taras Shmiher