
Premiere February 16, 2019

Duration 1 hour 20 minutes

Vaudeville lasting 80 minutes. The play describes events at the same time – in the early 20th century, – but in different urban areas of the Poltava Region.

Despite the illustrative description of the every-day, social and familial situations of the past, they are understandable and comical in our present, as they do not lose their topicality.

The play is based on the traditions of the classical theatre, academic staging as well as it uses the Ukrainian authentic clothing and folk choreography. This light Ukrainian vaudeville requires actors’ fierce reincarnation because it serves as a kind of time machine and leads the viewer into the past, so that one could look at the destructive habits of our time through the prism of time.

If you sympathize those old times and would like to cast a glance at the ancestral home through the window of time, we invite you to have a pill of humor at Lviv author’s drama theatre “SPIROGRAPH” by enjoying the vaudeville “Real comedy or … Hide!”