Performance-fairytale directed by Andriy Sendetskyy

Premiere June 16, 2018

Duration 60 minutes

“Slovechko” (Word) is a fairy tale about our present, about our sore which should encourage the viewer to think about their linguistic “raisins”.

The performance reflects not only the reality of our present being drawn into the virtual spaces of the Internet. Other issues are reflected in the play: it is a world of imaginary comparisons and illusions for adults, it is a world of true experiences and a source of experience for a young contemporary

A good-natured narration of the Words’ life, of their understanding of their place in the sign and verbal “society” of Perspasia; about their fears, dreams and reflections on the realities of their “being” – consumption. There can be found the reason for the persistent search for the inhabitants of the modern Lexicon and their way while watching the fairy tale “SLOVECHKO”. In the repertoire of the LAD Theatre, the plays are performed by an adult cast of professional actors and by young participants interpretation of the academic program of the SPIROGRAPH Department of Theatre Arts.

So, let’s talk about “Slovechko”! One-act fairytale performance (60 minutes long) for a viewer aged 5 years.